6926 toplam kripto para
Toplam Piyasa Değeri $2,215.86B
24 saat Toplam Hacim $25.11B

Swarm Fund is creating a market model that allows users to invest crypto assets into real assets and deploy traditional capital into real markets in a new way. With their infrastructure, investors can create and operate asset-backed tokens and participate in a composite of wealth creation.

SWM is an ERC20 compliant token in the Ethereum network.

Pazar payı 0.00%
24s Açık $0.01
24s Düşük $0.01
24s Yüksek $0.02
BTC cinsinden fiyat 0.00000052003364 BTC
Mevcut Arz 0 SWM
Toplam Arz 100,000,000 SWM
Piyasa değeri $0
24s Hacim (coin) 11,828 SWM
24s Hacim (currency) $241
24h Toplam hacim (coin) 22,007 SWM
24saat Toplam hacim (kripto) $449.31
Son güncelleme 2022-03-15 18:45:57 +00:00 GMT
ID Borsa Tür Fiyat Miktar Toplam
Tarih Fiyat Hacim

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